Fans wish Serena a speedy recovery as she skips the US Open : Serena Williams will not be playing at the US Open this year due to a torn hamstring.
Serena Williams retreated from US Open 2021 owing to a torn hamstring. This was officially announced through her social media channels earlier in the week.
Serena said she made the decision in order “to permit my body to restore itself completely from a torn hamstring.
“New York is one of the most exhilarating cities in the world and one of my preferred places to play – I’ll miss seeing the fans but will be encouraging everyone on from afar.”
Thirty nine years old Serena Williams, retired from her opening round match at Wimbledon in June after slipping on Centre Court.
This is where she developed a hamstring injury. Earlier it was perceived to be a minor injury and would heal fast. However, the fact that it has lasted this long indicates otherwise.

Undisclosed sources reveal that Serena Williams is spending her time keeping fit and undergoing physiotherapy to ensure the healing process is through.
Fans having been wishing her a speedy recovery ever since and are eager to see their star competing at the pro level again.
Hastags: #Serenawilliams #USOpen2021
Serena Williams Hamstring Injury, Serena Williams US Open2021, Serena Williams Torn Hamstring, Serena Williams Physiotherapy,