Did you know Djokovic crushed his allergic asthma with his diet

Did you know Djokovic crushed his allergic asthma with his diet?

Djokovic began to carefully watch everything in his diet as he fought what he has termed as a type of allergic asthma that was triggered by the pressure of competition.

He attributes this makeover, which occurred under the management of a medical team, with turning him from a player on the threshold of quitting the tour into one of the greatest champions of all time. Before ultimately converting to a completely plant-based diet, Djokovic started the process by avoiding foodstuffs that contained gluten, dairy, and refined sugar.

Novak Djokovic recently discussed his everyday diet with Graham Bensinger. Djokovic conceded that back in the day he was exceptionally frustrated when he had to retire while playing some matches.

Djokovic’s dietary regime is described below:

“When I wake up in the morning I start with warm water and lemon to help my body purify. And then I drink a glass of celery juice on an empty stomach. Then I’ll take a pause and have my green smoothie with diverse algae and many fruits plus superfoods and great supplements that I use that allow me to have mental precision and feel good. I eat a good quantity of fruits for the first part of the day followed by salads.”

Then Novak Djokovic said that he avoids eating foods that require too much energy for digestion.

“I don’t like to eat any food that would consume too much energy for digestion, particularly in the first part of the day because that’s when I require bulk of my energy for training,” he added. “So I’m keeping things quite simple and I would have grains like sweet potato and normal potato, like steamed or boiled and quinoa, wild rice, etc”

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